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Say WHAT?: Microaggressions in Yoga Spaces

Trolls on my Instagram  are constantly telling me that i DoNt ExPeRIeNcE rAcIsM. 🙄🙄🙄I don’t often respond, because I know their interpretation of power based violence is on the macro level, and not micro. And I don’t have the time to teach people who wish to be ignorant to the truth. However -Microaggressions exist. But, these every day slights can make you feel like you are imagining things and making things up because they can be hard to "prove." Here's the official definition by one of the legends in the microaggressions game, Dr. Derald Wing Sue: MICROAGGRESSIONS are the everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults, whether intentional or unintentional, which communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target...

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Journal Prompts: How Can YOU Support Black women?

We've come out of a historic Black History Month and we're now in the middle of an awesome Women's History Month - now's a great time to look at the people who are at the intersection of those months, Black women. As a Black woman, I can't imagine being anything or anyone else - we are unstoppable queens with a lineage of excellence and light. However, systemic racism and sexism will always try to diminish that light. Black women deserve allies and accomplices now more than ever - we, as a society, are on the precipice of great social change, and as usual, Black women are at the helm of it. I hear from a lot of allies, or folx...

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